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Tooth Extractions

A white molar rendered on a white background in Appleton, WI.A tooth extraction is the procedure done to remove a tooth that is damaged beyond repair from its socket in the jawbone. Extractions are also done to remove wisdom teeth that may be impacted or create future problems.

Why are teeth extracted?

•  Severely decayed teeth
•  Periodontal disease leading to bone loss
•  Fractured in such a way that it is impossible or impractical to repair
•  Badly positioned (impacted wisdom teeth)
•  Non-functional or poorly functional teeth that should be replaced with a bridge, denture or dental implant

A simple and non-surgical procedure

Extractions are generally classified as either non-surgical (also known as "simple") or surgical (involving cutting through the gums and tooth). A "simple" procedure can become a surgical procedure if the tooth fractures or refuses to loosen under pressure.

We perform these procedures only after making the extraction site(s) profoundly numb. Many extractions can be performed in our Appleton office; however, more complicated procedures may be referred to one of our trusted oral surgeons.

Gentle Dental Care

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(920) 739-6808


(920) 739-6808


2612 E Calumet St.
Appleton, WI 54915



Mon & Wed: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Tues & Thurs: 8:00am - 5:00pm
One Friday a Month

Copyright © 2016-2025 Dental Haven - Dr Gonzalo Hernandez and Dr Alexandra Wetzel and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Dental Haven - Dr Gonzalo Hernandez and Dr Alexandra Wetzel, 2612 E. Calumet Street, Appleton, WI 54915-4104 + (920) 739-6808 + + 1/26/2025 + Page Keywords: dentist Appleton WI +