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Are Vaping and Smoking the Same Thing When It Comes To Your Teeth?

Posted on 4/15/2024 by Weo Admin
Blonde woman smoking even after she made dental appointment at Dental Haven in Appleton, WINearly a quarter of all American adults have smoked or vaped in the last thirty days. Many adults say that smoking or vaping helps relieve tension and helps them de-stress. If you smoke or vape, however, you are putting your dental health at risk.

The Differences Between Vaping and Smoking

Cigarette smoke damages your teeth and gums. Cigarettes contain a ton of cancer-causing chemicals, which greatly ramp up your chances for oral cancer. Cigarettes also contain tar, which can permanently stain your teeth.

If you vape, you are eliminating the issues for your teeth with the tar from cigarettes. However, vaping contains sticky substances and flavorings that can stick to your teeth and damage the enamel.

Are There Other Issues With Vaping and Smoking and My Dental Health?

Nicotine, the active ingredient in both cigarettes and vapes, has other effects on your dental health. First, both smokers and vapers may suffer from dry mouth. Your saliva acts to clean your teeth and gums of bacteria, and if your mouth is dry, that bacteria can multiply rapidly. Bacteria cause cavities as well as gum disease, so it is important you produce saliva.

In addition, nicotine constricts the blood vessels in your mouth. If you are thinking about having cosmetic procedures, restorative procedures, gum cleanings, or preventative dentistry such as a root canal, your mouth will not heal as quickly due to nicotine use. You are also more prone to infections because of decreased saliva and additional chemicals in your mouth.

What Should I Do?

Adults make choices all the time to better their health. If you are thinking about quitting smoking or vaping, one of your incentives to quit could be your improved health outcomes without nicotine. You not only immediately improve your overall health, but if you can quit smoking or vaping, you will have a whiter smile and a healthier mouth.

If you have questions about the effects that smoking or vaping has on your oral health, why not give us a call today? Let us get you in to see one of our dentists!

Gentle Dental Care

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(920) 739-6808


(920) 739-6808


2612 E Calumet St.
Appleton, WI 54915



Mon & Wed: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Tues & Thurs: 8:00am - 5:00pm
One Friday a Month

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Dental Haven - Dr Gonzalo Hernandez and Dr Alexandra Wetzel, 2612 E. Calumet Street, Appleton, WI 54915-4104 ^ (920) 739-6808 ^ ^ 1/15/2025 ^ Related Phrases: dentist Appleton WI ^